Financial Wellness
Let’s face it a lot of our stress comes from being financially strapped. When we are in that place we live in survival mode. Ninety nine percent of us have not had a financial education at home nor at school. In fact, when young adults fresh out of high school start college they are flooded with credit card offers. What is a young adult on their own for the first time likely to do? Well, take the credit cards and charge them up. Seems like free money, doesn’t it? Sigh!
Then there is the rest of us who were trying to make ends meet while working low paying jobs and paying for your own college or raising children. It gets tough out there.
Now I am obviously NOT a financial planner. In my lifetime of ups and downs I went through paying for college out of pocket, working a full-time job and living on my own. Eventually I started a family and wanted to have time flexibility to raise my toddler so I started my private practice leaving a steady paycheck at a non-profit agency. A really scary move!