Insights Wellness Center Inc

EDMR + Anxiety + PTSD

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing is a particular form of therapy that helps disrupt negative memories that keep you stuck in negative behavior patterns. Fortunately, not everyone has experienced extreme neglect or trauma. However, we have all experienced being humiliated, feeling rejected, unimportant, having our emotions hurt one way or another and all of these incidences are what we call “little t-trauma” that “help” reinforce the negative beliefs we have created in our minds usually from childhood experiences but certainly also from experiences as adults. 

These negative beliefs (negative cognitions as we call them in EMDR) lead to automatic responses every time we get “triggered” and we react in ways that is not authentic to who we are now or how we WANT to respond.

How it Works:

Anxiety, fear, depression, anger, and PTSD usually is caused by events that were frightening or where you felt as though you were in danger, or went through something that was either physically painful (such as a medical procedure) or emotionally painful (a break up with a loved one.) Sometimes a single event will begin to disrupt your daily life such as not being able to focus at your job or having “obsessive” thoughts about the person or incident and it feels as though you cannot change gear to think about anything else. You may have difficulty sleeping. You may start avoiding people, places, and activities. You may lash out in anger, be irritable, and cry “for no reason.” You may feel antsy and suddenly have anxiety or panic attacks.

Whether you are experiencing this for the first time, seemingly out of the blue, or it has been ongoing for years, it is bubbling up in this manner because of something which has not been resolved. You may believe you were over it, however, your body is telling you “it ain’t over yet!”

The beauty of this is, you are not stuck with this awful feeling for the rest of your life. Nor do you need to be on medication for the rest of your life. In fact, I recommend you first come and see me before going to the doctor to ask for medication, as I am consistently able to identify and then resolve the cause all of this “yuck” in 1-6 sessions per incident. 

What to Expect:

Most people I work with are able to process through specific incidents that are the root cause of their anxiety/depression/anger in 1-6 sessions per incident. Once these incidences have been properly dealt with, people find they are much calmer, able to focus, sleep better, set healthy boundaries with others in all arenas of their lives. Those past incidences that used to cause so much pain, are no longer a trigger for them.

People return after a couple of sessions being able to sleep for the first time ever. Destructive urges are squelched, such as wanting to act out sexually outside of the marriage or starting arguments or acting defensively. People are able to relax, finding peace and calm within. I’ve had clients who were finally able to drive on the highway for the first time. She didn’t even realize she was doing this until her daughter told her she was driving on the highway. Then she remembered how she used to be terrified of driving there. My clients are no longer angered by things that used to cause them to feel anger or rage or wanting to flee. Instead, I’ve had clients tell me how in a situation that previously would have triggered them, they “hear” their logical brain talk to them, telling them everything is alright. My clients tell me they for the first time feel empowered and back in control of themselves again. These are all examples of clients I have worked with and the stories keep coming.